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Infrared reflectance spectroscopy as an analytical technique for the study of residues on stone tools : potential and challenges




FTIR (Fourier transform infrared) spectroscopy is a non-destructive analytical method that has been usedsuccessfully to analyse both inorganic and organic archaeological material. Using a microscope attachmenthas the additional benefit of analysing very small spots (diameter 100 mm) directly on an artefactwithout sample preparation or destruction. It is therefore a suitable method to study residues on prehistoricstone tools. However, using a microscope without an ATR (attenuated total reflection) microscopeobjective, results in a combination of reflection and transmission/absorbance FTIR spectra, which isnot always as easy to interpret as directly measured transmission/absorbance spectra. In order toimprove the interpretation of spectra recorded on archaeological samples, the method was tested withreplicated Middle Stone Age stone points used during hunting and butchery experiments on parts of ablue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) published in 2004 (Lombard et al., 2004). In this case, theresidues on the tools were known and post-depositional contamination was eliminated. Additionalsamples of the organic materials, and the minerals from which the tools were made were also available.Therefore, we could assess the viability of FTIR reflectance spectra for distinguishing between bone, fatand protein residues.
机译:FTIR(傅立叶变换红外)光谱法是一种无损分析方法,已成功地用于分析无机和有机考古材料。使用显微镜附件还具有直接在人工制品上分析非常小的斑点(直径100毫米)而无需样品制备或销毁的额外好处。因此,这是研究史前工具上残留物的合适方法。但是,使用没有目标ATR(衰减全反射)显微镜的显微镜会导致反射和透射/吸收FTIR光谱组合,这并不总是像直接测量的透射/吸收光谱那样容易解释。为了改善对考古样本记录的光谱的解释,该方法在2004年发布的蓝角马(Connochaetes taurinus)的部分狩猎和屠杀实验中使用的复制的中石器时代石点进行了测试(Lombard等,2004)。在这种情况下,工具上的残留物是已知的,并且消除了沉积后的污染。还可以提供其他有机材料样品以及制作工具所用的矿物。因此,我们可以评估FTIR反射光谱用于区分骨,脂肪和蛋白质残留的可行性。



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